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NBRC Club Rules
The NBRC Club Rules have been updated for 2025. Download a pdf version.
1 The Club
1.1 The Club shall be called the North Bucks Road Club.
1.2 Club Colours shall be Red, White, Green and Blue.
1.3 The declared objective of the Club is to promote, encourage and support cycling activities.
2 Management
2.1 The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee of three (3) appointed members (The President, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. General Secretary) with the following as ex-officio members: Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Road Race Secretary, Time Trial Secretary, Membership Secretary, Clothing Secretary, Website and social media Secretary. If all ex-officio positions are not filled then extra members make be appointed to form a Committee not exceeding 12 persons. Six (6) shall form a quorum for Committee meetings.
2.2 Circumstances may arise in which club membership falls such that all committee position may not, or need not be filled: individuals may hold more than one role, or roles may be left unfilled.
2.3 In these circumstances, the minimal club committee shall consist of President, Chairman and Treasurer.
2.4 The President shall be elected every two (2) years as from 2005. A Vice President may be appointed at any AGM should it be felt such a position is necessary. The main functions of the President and Vice President shall be to represent the Club at functions as required.
3 Website and Social Media
3.1 The club’s website is maintained by the Website and Social Media Secretary, and is at https://northbucksroadclub.org.uk
3.2 The club makes regular announcements via its Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/northbucksroadclub
3.3 The club uses WhatsApp for regular communications. Members should contact the Chairman for the invitation.
3.4 The club has a Zwift Club, for those interested in that virtual cycling platform.
3.5 Members who wish to maintain other social media platforms should contact the Website and Social Media Secretary, who will set up and hold the account details. Unauthorised social media accounts in the club’s name should not be set up.
4 Membership
4.1 Membership of the club is open to all members of the community regardless of gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs, age or disability.
4.2 There is a single membership tier: for 2025, membership has been set at £10.
4.3 Subscription rates shall be set at the Annual General Meeting, or, exceptionally, at a Special General Meeting. Subscription rates shall be displayed on membership renewal/application forms, on the NBRC Website and at Annexe “A”.
4.4 Subscriptions become due on the 1st of January each year. New members joining on or after 1st October in any year shall not be due for renewal of subscriptions until twelve (12) months after the 1st of January following. Any member not having paid his or her subscription before 31st March shall cease to be a member of the Club and shall not be entitled to ride in Club colours in Club, Open or Association events and will be notified in writing. Any ex-Member shall then have to re-apply for membership in the usual manner. Approval of candidates for membership shall be by a simple majority of the Committee.
5 Annual General Meeting
5.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in the month of September each year. Members shall be given at least one calendar month’s notice of the date of the AGM. Twenty five percent (25%) of Club Membership shall form a quorum for an Annual or Special General Meeting.
5.2 Proposals for the AGM and nominations for Committee office must be notified to the General Secretary in writing 21 days before the meeting for discussion by the Committee. All reports from Committee members must be with the General Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM.
5.3 The agenda, proposals and nominations shall be circulated to the membership at least seven (7) days prior to the AGM or SGM.
5.4 Any member not present at the AGM shall not be eligible to take any official position unless prior written notice has been given of his or her willingness to accept office.
5.5 A Special General meeting shall be called within fourteen (14) days of receipt by the General Secretary of a request signed by not less than ten senior club members or if called by the Club Committee on a majority vote via online poll.
5.6 The Club’s financial year shall commence of 1st September and run until 31st August each year, after which date the Honorary Treasurer shall prepare a full account showing the receipts and payments for the year and the financial position of the Club at that date. The account shall be audited by two (2) Honorary Auditors and shall then be circulated to the membership along with the reports at the AGM.
5.7 All profits made by the Club must be reinvested in the Club and its activities and not distributed amongst its members.
5.8 On the event of the dissolution of the Club, all assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Club but shall be given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable organisations:
5.8.1 One or more registered charitable organisation(s); Another club which is registered CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club Scheme); The sports’ national governing body or bodies for use by them for related community sports.
5.9 The committee shall have the power to expel or suspend any member guilty of conduct detrimental to the interests or reputation of the Club.
5.10 Members shall have the power to appeal to the body of the Club.
5.11 The Committee shall have the power to make by-laws and to decide disputes not elsewhere provided for in these Rules.
6 Membership Rules
6.1 A First Claim member is one who, at the time of joining the North Bucks Road Club, is not a first claim member of any other club.
6.2 Applications for First Claim membership shall be approved by the Committee as soon as possible after receipt of the application, during which time on no account shall any club clothing be sold to the applicant. The applicant shall, before signing the application form, read and agree to abide by the Club’s rules which will be accessed via the club website.
6.3 Applicants under the age of 18 years shall require a Club Parental Consent Form to be signed by his or her parent or legal guardian after reading the club rules, to be witnessed by a Committee Member.
6.4 Second Claim members are those who hold First Claim membership to any other cycling club.
6.5 First Claim members only shall be eligible to compete for Club trophies and championships.
6.6 Any member wishing to resign shall do so in writing to the General Secretary.
7 Racing Rules and Requirements
7.1 Members wishing to claim their prizes may do so at the end of the racing season. Submissions must be made in writing giving proof of the claim(s) to the appropriate secretary not later than four (4) weeks before the Annual Dinner and Prizegiving. Applications after this date will not be accepted. Club awards will be presented at the Annual Club Dinner. Annexe “B” lists all club trophies.
7.2 The Committee shall have the power if required to permit the promotion of extra events other than those agreed at the Annual General Meeting.
7.3 Proposals for affiliations to national and local cycling bodies or organisations shall be submitted in writing to the Committee. Current affiliations are listed at Annexe “C”, and are subject to review by the membership at the AGM.
7.4 Club Place-to-Place records shall be displayed on the Club website. See also Annexe “D”.
8 Club Runs
8.1 Members are required to comply with the rules of the road as prescribed in the Highway Code at all times.
9 General
9.1 No alterations or additions to these Club Rules or conditions of awards of Club trophies may be made except with the consent of at least 66% of members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special Meeting called for that specific purpose.
9.2 Failure to comply with the foregoing Club Rules may, at the discretion of the Committee, result in disciplinary action being taken.
Any matter not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be binding on all parties.
December 2024