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Welcome to the new NBRC website
Welcome to the new and refurbished North Bucks Road Club website. It has been rebuilt to streamline the content and to take advantage of changes to the underlying Content Management Software that we use for the website. Robert is still managing the website, but any offers of assistance (mainly direct contribution of content) would be welcome.
If you encounter any problems, let us know via the comments or by email - remember to tell me what device and operating system and which browser you're using.
I've made a some substantial changes to the organisation of material on the website. Much of this is behind the scenes, and will no doubt be ongoing for a while to come. Some time towards the end of 2024 should see a further major update to the CMS.
On the front end of the website, I've moved back to a clearer layout, and I've used a template that should work equally well the mobile devices such as phones and tablets. I've stripped the website back to a single menu at the top of the screen (on a phone this is a dropdown from the 'hamburger' icon). While the default appearance has dark writing on a white background, you can switch this to a dark scheme using the switch at the top right (desktop view) or top left (mobile view).
An overview of the changes:
- A new template
- There is now a Blog section on the website with commenting available - you're currently reading it. I've deployed a comment function, though how well it works remains to be seen when the site is deplyed to the server. I'm hopeful that commenting won't require an account on the website, but we'll have to see how much spam we attract.
- In the left side of the home screen there's a module that shows the five most recent additions to the website.
- The general layout has been changed to increase accessibility. Notably, the menu is pretty self explanatory - most of the items on the menu have drop down submenus with more options. Some areas of the website, such as club event records, have become rather numerous and hard to marshal. I therefore decided to make a single menu link for all the complete club event seasons (2007 to 2023).
- I've tidied up many of the articles with photo galleries. Where Graeme Church has posted galleries of our events on his Flickr website, I've added a link in the relevant event report so you can view all the images.
- The current course descriptions have been updated to offer more consistency and clarity. We have reviewed nearly all of the courses in October/November 2023 in response to a request for information related to 20mph speed limits. So far only the Bow Brickhill hill climb course has a 20mph limit, and I doubt many riders would exceed 20mph!
- I've grouped past reports of Cyclocross events and the beginnings of reporting of open time trials together under the 'Open Events' menu item. In the past it has been difficult to pry reports of racing, club runs etc from club members, hopefully this can change as we move forward.
- The 'Our Cycling' menu item has a drop down list of various cycling activities - I think we need an Off-Road addition to cover mountain and gravel biking...offers of assistance welcome.
- I'm keen to include more images in the website, if you've any you'd like to contribute, please contact Robert.
As ever, you can follow us on Facebook and on X (Twitter) for our latest updates. I'm not a heavy Facebook user, and I use X(Twitter) less since it became X, so contacting Robert is best by email.
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